
February 2017 Philadelphia Chapter of Pax Christi U.S.A.


Martha Hennessy


House of Grace Catholic Worker

& Philadelphia Catholic Peace Fellowship

Annual Retreat Co-sponsored by:


Martha Hennessy

anti-war activist and granddaughter of Dorothy Day

Saturday, March 25, 2017, 9:00 - 3:00

9:30 Opening Prayer & Welcome – (Coffee: 9:00)

2:30 Mass (Fr. John McNamee)

St. Malachy Hall, 1429 N. 11th St., Phila., 19122

Brown Bag Lunch -- Pre registration not required

Retreat Themes:

experience) -- a time together for a sharing of ideas and discussion


Martha Hennessy Dorothy’s only child, Tamar Hennessy was blessed with 9 children. Martha is Tamar’s 7th child. Because of family history, because of her grandma, Martha through good times and bad has always been a community member of the Catholic Worker Community!

Martha, now 61 years of age and retired from a career as an occupational therapist has a family homestead in southern Vermont near the town of Springfield. Martha also spends a considerable amount of time at Mary House in New York’s Bowery District. Martha is often seen in the kitchen. She cares for the meals, often does the cleanup of pots and pans. She

ministers to the needs of the women of the street community and the approximately 21 women living in Mary House. Martha is often a respite for their physical, medical, psychological and spiritual needs.

Martha is married to her life’s partner, Stephen. Martha and Steve’s children are grown and have settled all around the country. The children have gifted the 2 of them with 7 grandchildren.

After raising her children, tending to the early needs of grand babies and retiring from her efforts at doing occupational therapy with folks, about 10 years ago Martha threw herself into more deeply understanding and embracing her Grandmother’s life work of caring for the poor and resisting war-making and the profiteers who foment that spirit of war.

Martha has been arrested and imprisoned on multiple occasions against war, nuclear weapons & nuclear power, the use of drones to murder the innocent and the torture of prisoners in Guantanamo!

These days, because of her family lineage, because of her embracing of the gospels and her efforts to attend daily mass, Martha has traveled around the globe on behalf of peacemaking and in the hopes of sharing the news that Not all Americans embrace the violence of the American Empire! Martha has traveled to Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Egypt and Russia to name a few lands. Martha is a member of the Atlantic Life Community, a unique group of peace advocates and catholic worker communities all along the east coast.

An example of Martha’s willingness to be present and to act as a human symbol for peacemaking, when Pope Francis I was standing before the U.S. Congress in 2015, he praised the life’s work of Dorothy, Thomas Merton and Martin Luther King. The Pope spoke of them not only as great Americans but as part of the Communion of Saints. And While Francis was speaking, Martha and other peacemakers were fasting in an overnight vigil across the street from the United Nations. They were pleading with all nations to heed the Pope’s message about caring for the poor and protecting the earth!

A quote of Martha’s reflecting on her grandmother and our beloved Dorothy Day!

“I firmly believe Dorothy’s heart and spirit is still alive today, and will continue because her work was about Jesus and

practicing the faith”

Bill Hartman

A member of Atlantic Life Community and CPF
